Dear future birthdays...
you have a lot to live up to. This past Friday was the much-anticipated "ultimate wish-day," November 11, 2011, 11/11/11 ... aka: my 21st
birthday. For years, I anticipated this day as an epic birthday, one birthday to rule them all, a celebration extraordinaire with all of my best friends! Then one day Emilie (a fellow November baby) and I realized that we would both be studying abroad during our 21st birthdays! Honestly, I was a little sad that I wouldn't be at home for my birthday... HOW WRONG I WAS!
To start of the birthday extravaganza, Emilie came to visit Toledo! After Paris, she and Nolan went on an adventure through France and Spain, and then ended up in Toledo last Sunday. It was lovely! She stayed for about four whole days, and in between classes, homework and extensive Switzerland planning, we were able to grab a chocolate con churros, wander/get lost in Toledo, and even get some early birthday drinks! Luckily Nolan had a little more free time than lame me, so he was able to show her more essential Toledo before they jetted off for Madrid.
Since we had a pretty early flight on Friday, we were originally going to leave Thursday night and sleep in the airport... but that SUCKS. Instead, we decided last minute that we could cut it super close and take the earliest bus from Toledo! So on Friday, after some drama regarding our boarding passes and Kelsey almost not making the flight, Kelsey, Lauren, Roberto and I made it to Geneva without any more problems! We got into downtown Geneva, saw the Jet d'Eau (enormo fountain), and walked around a bit while we searched for our tram, but we decided that we should get to our apartment before any exploring.
THE APARTMENT. Funny story... the main reason we went to Geneva was that a while ago we found super cheap plane tickets. So when we went to book our hostel about a week before, we found out that there is literally no way to stay in Geneva on a student budget. We spent the entire week up until the trip researching couchsurfing, airbnb, hostels, cheap hotels, STRESSING, and we went back and forth between a million different options before we found a cheap airbnb apartment that was actually just across the French border! It turned out to be
amazing, and it was only about a 15-minute tram ride from downtown Geneva. And everything was cheaper in France!
When we got to the apartment, we first ogled our host’s collection of gaming systems/video games…it was impressive! (Of course, despite an enormous collection including such newfangled contraptions like a Wii, the old Mario for Nintendo won the day!) Then we got ourselves to the grocery store, bought food for the weekend, and in
our very own kitchen, we whipped up a lunch of scrambled eggs and potatoes!
The girls, working it in the kitchen! |
After gorging ourselves and just lazing around the house, we finally got our butts into gear and went back to Geneva. Of course it was only about 6pm and already dark… so we did the nighttime tour. We walked along the river, saw the lake, the fountain at night, a lot of swans, looked at some Swiss chocolate stores and some cool monuments. HOWEVER, we soon realized that everything closes really early… like 7:30pm. We actually got kicked out of a supermarket. We wandered into the “old town” and got a glimpse of the Cathedral St-Pierre at night, and found a little café for some coffee and hot chocolate. Since we couldn’t actually find any bars to celebrate the big 21, we decided to head back across the border, but not before stocking up on some chocolate bars!! Back at the apartment, we celebrated with a stir-fry dinner, classy drinks, chocolate, video games, card games, and good conversation! Some may call this lame, I would call it perfect! And I'm the birthday girl, so what I say goes!
Since we were in Switzerland, and we could see mountains from our apartment, I was determined to go to the Alps. There is not much that I love more than mountains. Earlier in the week we had found a sweet deal where we could take a cable car up into the mountains for only €7.60 round trip… um YES PLEASE. So on Saturday we got some directions from our host about how to get there, and we took a few buses to what we thought was the cable car place… of course on Saturdays our bus didn’t go all the way there. The bus driver told us to just walk along this road and we’d get there. We started walking, the sidewalk turned into the side of a highway, and eventually we saw, far in the distance, the cable going up into the mountains… at least a 30-minute walk away! Oh well, what were we going to do! So we stuck it out, did a little hiking and finally made it to some cute little town in France where we bought our tickets, hopped in a little square box and ascended into the clouds!
Mountains. Clouds. |
I was a little scared that we would go up into the clouds, and not actually be able to see anything… but when the cable car came up ABOVE the clouds, it was amazing. We got out of the car, and immediately ran over to the edge, where we saw a sea of clouds with mountain peaks popping up all around us. There was even a paraglider who took a dive into the clouds! We ran around, frolicked, saw some more awesome views, got some hot chocolate, and then we went UP.
After hiking upwards, we came out onto a huge field with absolutely gorgeous views of clouds and snowy mountains all around! We mostly just stood and stared until we got too cold! And while we were descending, we saw a gorgeous sunset over the clouds! IT WAS AMAZING. Although I must clarify, technically we were not IN the Alps, but the French Prealps. Pretty much the same thing…
The hills are alive with the sound of music!!! |
After this, we were not exactly sure how to get back to Geneva, but some nice people on the mountain told us to take the 8 bus all the way back into town. So after waiting at a random bust stop for a long time, we finally saw some normal-looking people and decided to ask if we were indeed in the right place. Luckily they spoke English and informed us we were
not, but they were going the same way! So we followed them to the correct bus stop, and found out that one of them was Australian, and the other was an American nuclear physicist working at CERN…. nice. We chatted them up on the bus until going our separate ways downtown.
Your basic cheese on the left, and Mediterranean on the right |
Once again, we thought we would make it to Geneva during the day, but alas twas not to be… So we spent another night walking around the city, and finally we found a place to have dinner. And not just any dinner…
FONDUE. We went to this cute little place and got two types of fondue, the basic cheese option, and a Mediterranean fondue that had some tomato mixed in! It was fantastic! And it even came with potatoes on the side so Lauren could fondue too! (And we were so proud of ourselves that this was the most expensive thing we did the whole weekend!)
Then we headed back to France for another relaxing night at our lovely apartment, drinking hot cocoa, eating chocolate, and playing video games, the usual. We had an early flight on Sunday, and luckily the guy who owned the place came over at 4:30am to drive us to the airport! He was super nice, and we realized that we definitely should have met up with him/talked to him earlier because he told us about so many cool things that we
could have done in Geneva! Oh well... next time!
Just wait, the fun doesn’t end at the airport… When we got on the plane it was still dark out, but by the time we took off and passed through the clouds we looked out the window and saw a faint orange glow above the line of mountains and sea of clouds! Despite being extremely tired, both Kelsey and I couldn’t help but keep our faces glued to the window as we watched the orange become brighter, the streaky clouds above the mountains change from purple to bright pink, until finally a burning orange sun started peaking up over the mountains! It was hands down, the most beautiful sunrise I have ever witnessed.
I don't think I could have asked for a better way to spend my 21st birthday! It came about randomly and unexpectedly, but I was able to spend a wonderful weekend relaxing with good friends, eating chocolate, climbing the (pre)Alps, and just enjoying the view (yes, both literally and figuratively)!