Wednesday, December 7, 2011

To study, or not to study...and blog instead -- that is the question.

 Well it's that time of the year again: the end of another semester approaches and finals week is upon us. I'm supposed to be cramming for exams right now, but I decided to reminisce about my semester and think about the future instead. And blog about it. At 2:30 in the morning. I am a model student.

It's scary to think that my time here is almost up. It's like I've been living in a different world for three months! Pretty soon I'll be closing this little chapter of my life and throwing myself back into the "real world." They always tell you that the time will fly by, and boy were they right...

In less than 24 hours and after just 2 more tests, I will be done with my classes! Then I have an entire weekend (and more) to bum around Toledo and enjoy my last few days here.... and probably get really sad that I'm leaving.

In 7 days, the program is "officially done." Also in 7 days my mother will be coming to visit, help me pack, and joining me as we travel to Barcelona, Rome, Florence, Venice and Milan!

In 8 days, most of my friends here will be heading home! It is so weird to hear everyone talk about being home so soon, seeing their families for Christmas, etc! It is also weird to think that in 8 days, we won't all be living with each other and seeing each other EVERY SINGLE DAY. Even for those of my friends who also go to the U (which is a lot), I won't see them for a whole MONTH, and then once back at school who knows how often we'll actually see each other?? Sad thoughts to bring up, I know, but I just think what I think and tell it how it is.

In 12 days I will be in Italy. Italy. I don't think most people actually know how much I love Italy. Perhaps just my mother/family, my aunt, and Etta Berkland. Like, Italian language courses were one of my criteria for choosing a college...seriously. I almost studied abroad in Italy, but damn it, I had to be all practical and stick with my Spanish minor. So a small trip to Italy will have to do. However....

In 21 days I will probably still be in Italy. I couldn't bear to visit Italy for just one weekend during the semester. So I decided to travel after the program, with the hope that I would be able to spend a lot of time in Italy. Check. At this point, everyone else will be at home, making plans for New Year's Eve. I will have just spent Christmas in Venice with my mother, and will be jetting off to some new city (location tbd) to celebrate New Year's Eve with Paige!

Not until 27 days from now, on the 4th of January, 2012, will I finally be flying home. I'll have about 2 weeks at home in Madison (to spend time with the fam and eat all their food) before I have to head back up to the Twin Cities, move in with my bestie Erika and start another semester at the good ole U.

But that's all waaaaay in the future. Tomorrow I just have to wake up, ace those tests, and enjoy Toledo for a few more days. Easy as pie.

¡Hasta luego!


  1. Who says you only get to study abroad once? Next time: Italia! See you in 7 days!
